Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Teenage mutant ninja turtles Heroes in a half shell, turtle power! This cake brought back sweet
White Magnolias
I love magnolias. I love that they bloom in early spring - seeing the trees covered in large blossoms certainly do help chase the
Let it go!
My niece Leah had her 5th birthday party this weekend. I've made her birthday cake every year - except last year. Last year, I
Under the Sea
I love making children's birthday cakes and making this Under the Sea cake was no exception. All the sea creatures were sculpted from fondant.
Henna-Mehndi Elephants
I've always admired painted cakes so when the opportunity arrived to try my hand at one for my inlaws' 40th Wedding Anniversary, I jumped at the
Pirate Parrrrty!
How time flies! Elliott turned 2 and we threw him a pirate themed birthday party. He's still too young to pick his own theme